key projects that HAT are supporting in Nepal.

Key Projects and Needs 

We see these projects as impor­tant in pro­vid­ing support and care that makes a real dif­fer­ence in people’s lives and Nepali society. 


Sustainable Livelihood Project 

Bajura is one of the remote moun­tain­ous dis­tricts in the western part of the country. The dis­trict is eco­log­i­cally sen­si­tive to climate change. A major­ity of the farmers rely on rain­fall to grow crops, and the dis­trict suffers from extreme weather conditions. 

$300 of $5,000 raised 

Care for Cure – Leprosy 

The Care for Cure project sup­ports people with leprosy. Every year more than 3,000 people in Nepal are diag­nosed with leprosy. Many more will remain undi­ag­nosed due to stigma, fear, and lack of medical exper­tise. While for many, it is about battling …

$500 of $3,500 raised 

Green Pastures 

For over 65 years Green Pas­tures Hos­pi­tal (GPH) in Pokhara has been pro­vid­ing treat­ment and care for people living with leprosy. The work at GPH also includes treat­ment and reha­bil­i­ta­tion for people living with spinal cord injuries and …

$5,000 of $5,000 raised 

Poor Fund 

This project sup­ports the expenses for Nepalis who would oth­er­wise not be able to access medical treat­ment. The includ­ing med­i­cines, other treat­ment, trans­port, assis­tive devices and addi­tional support costs such as food and accommodation.

$1,905 of $2,000 raised 

Empowering Women 

This project seeks to increase access to justice, eco­nomic empow­er­ment and par­tic­i­pa­tion in deci­­sion-making to enhance the prospects of all women and encour­age them to par­tic­i­pate freely and live with dignity in society.

$110 of $2,000 raised 

Smokeless Stoves 

This project pro­vides fuel effi­cient stoves to help decrease defor­esta­tion, pro­vides girls with time to go to school (as they spend less time col­lect­ing fire­wood), and reduces indoor smoke and health related impacts.

$590 of $2,000 raised 

Take Action Now 

Take action to support the people in Nepal. Call or Email us on: 

027 220 3931


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