Green Pastures

The medical work of INF is serving more than 50,000 people yearly with treatment, operations, general healthcare, community services and medical camps. Green Pastures Hospital (GPH) in Pokhara serves about 18,000 patients and remains the biggest leprosy and rehabilitation hospital in Nepal’s Western Regions. Having 40 beds [20 for leprosy patients and 20 for patients with other forms of disability] it remains the hub for referrals from other INF centres, as well as hospitals and local partner organisations across western Nepal.

The next steps in the devel­op­ment for GPH is growing bed capac­ity to 100, reg­is­ter­ing the hos­pi­tal with the gov­ern­ment and estab­lish­ing addi­tional teams to increase the range of services.

The need in Nepal for these kinds of ser­vices is great, so the lead­er­ship team of the hos­pi­tal has ambi­tious plans to grow the range of ser­vices and number of hos­pi­tal beds to meet the demand for spe­cial­ist care.

Since its doors opened, GPH has pro­vided treat­ment and relief to thou­sands, earning it a rep­u­ta­tion of deliv­er­ing high stan­dard care to the poorest and most mar­gin­alised people of Nepal.

$5,812 of $5,000 raised

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