Smokeless Stoves

Is a project to provide smokeless stoves to people in remote villages in Nepal. There is a huge dependence on and use of firewood within these communities resulting in noticeable deforestation.

Com­mu­ni­ties in rural and remote areas of Nepal are depen­dent on agri­cul­ture and forest prod­ucts and are strug­gling with defor­esta­tion, increased soil erosion and degrad­ing water quality. This project aims to promote the use of fuel effi­cient (smoke­less) iron stoves. Each stove cost $140 to build in Nepal and install

Expe­ri­ence in Nepal has shown smoke­less stoves have mul­ti­ple ben­e­fits to health and the environment:

  • increased fuel effi­ciency (30 – 60% depend­ing on model) reduces the volume of fire­wood by approx­i­mately half and there­fore slows deforestation
  • less fuel use requires less time to collect and there­fore allows women greater time to spend on other chores and allows girls more time to par­tic­i­pate in school or homework
  • fuel effi­cient stoves are cleaner burning, reduc­ing indoor smoke and health-related impacts such as res­pi­ra­tory ill­nesses (asthma, child­hood pneu­mo­nia, lung cancer), eye and ear infec­tions (and devel­op­ment of cataracts), chronic obstruc­tive pul­monary disease and heart disease, low birth weights
  • replace­ment of a cen­trally placed, floor level tra­di­tional wood­stove with an ele­vated, corner located stove creates a safer family envi­ron­ment (less fire hazard), espe­cially for women with infants and young chil­dren at home, reduc­ing the poten­tial for burn injuries
  • reduc­tion in green­house gas emis­sions by about 2.5 t/CO2 per year per stove
  • cleaner burning stoves result in decreased emis­sions of black carbon by 50 – 90%, which studies indi­cate con­tribute the equiv­a­lent of 25 – 50% of CO2 warming glob­ally, dis­rupt­ing the monsoon and accel­er­at­ing Himalayan-Tibetan glacial melting
$590 of $2,000 raised

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