Empowering Women
The Empowering Women project seeks to increase access to justice, economic empowerment and participation in decision-making to enhance the prospects of all women and encourage them to participate freely and live with dignity in society.
Nepali women lead disadvantaged lives. Women are expected to act subserviently, receive inferior education compared to male counterparts, and are forced to work for low, or no remuneration. Emotional and physical abuse further contributes to their negative self-image and low personal expectations. The level of awareness of human rights and women’s ability to influence decision-making processes is also limited by lack of information, education, capacity to claim their rights, and government response mechanisms.
The project is focused on networks of women’s groups to:
- support women in increasing their access to their rights
- build their capacity to realise equal participation in decision-making processes
- improve their livelihood options
This will be achieved through empowerment education which will promote their opportunities for leadership and participation in cooperative ventures