Find Out What HAT is All About.

What HAT Stands For 

For most New Zealan­ders there is a sense of con­nec­tion with Nepal.
This is through history, moun­tains, earth­quakes, per­sonal con­nec­tions or himalayan trekking. 

HAT seeks to help people in New Zealand under­stand and support the poor and dis­ad­van­taged in Nepal.

We work in the areas of health, com­mu­nity devel­op­ment and relief work par­tic­u­larly among remote com­mu­ni­ties and the most dis­ad­van­taged. What is impor­tant to us:

Sean Marston

HAT Direc­tor

Endorsement INF

We appre­ci­ate the support and work of the Human­i­tar­ian Aid Trust from New Zealand and the way it pro­motes the needs of people in Nepal. 

Krishna Adhikari

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, INF Nepal

Sign up to Volunteer 

We need people willing to get involved in the work of HAT 

Become a Volunteer 

Often life makes more sense when we give some­thing of our­selves to others who have so much less than us, but at the same time we also benefit from the connection 

    What is the history of HAT?

    HAT is a trust set up in 2015 to help facil­i­tate dona­tions for the project work of INF (Inter­na­tional Nepal Fel­low­ship). INF has been working in Nepal since 1952 and is Nepal’s longest-serving inter­na­tional non-gov­ern­ment organisation.

    Is HAT a Christian organisation?

    HAT is a Chris­t­ian based organ­i­sa­tion. We have a focus on serving people like Jesus did through having com­pas­sion for poor and mar­gin­alised people, treat­ing people equally and seeking justice.

    Are donations made to HAT tax deductible?

    Yes, all dona­tions given to HAT are eli­gi­ble for tax deduc­tion benefits.

    Can I get involved in the work of HAT in Nepal?

    We encour­age people to not only give finan­cially but also to give of their time and energy through vis­i­ta­tion, service, pro­mo­tion and prayer.

    HAT is a trust set up to help facil­i­tate dona­tions for the project work of INF (Inter­na­tional Nepal Fel­low­ship). INF has been working in Nepal since 1952 and is Nepal’s longest-serving inter­na­tional non-gov­ern­ment organisation 
    HAT (Human­i­tar­ian Aid Trust) was incor­po­rated under the Char­i­ta­ble Trusts Act 1957 
    is granted over­seas donee status through gov­ern­ment legislation 
    starts to receive dona­tions towards our work in Nepal and people are pro­vided with tax receipts 
    Pro­mo­tion of our work devel­ops through brochures, pro­mo­tional dis­plays and speak­ing engagements 

    “HAT is a very helpful organ­i­sa­tion that endeav­ours to assist Nepali people through part­ner­ing with national people. These under­priv­i­leged people receive assis­tance by for example equip­ment organ­ised by HAT. I would cer­tainly rec­om­mend its work”

    Dr Neil Pollock

    “I have been involved with the activ­i­ties of Human­i­tar­ian Aid Trust and Inter­na­tional Nepal Fel­low­ship both in Nepal and New Zealand for 32 years. It is an organ­i­sa­tion that demon­strates how much can be done when working in part­ner­ship with nation­als and focus­ing on the most needy and mar­gin­alised. I have no hes­i­ta­tion in rec­om­mend­ing its work.”

    Dr Ian Bissett
    Pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­sity of Auckland.