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Funding / Donor Relations Specialist

Are you gifted and called to help raise support for INF’s live-saving and com­mu­nity-trans­form­ing work?

Would you love to be part of God’s kingdom work in Nepal?

INF likes to main­tain a very high stan­dard of report­ing and also is always looking for new donors to be a part of our excit­ing work in Nepal. INF needs someone to intro­duce best prac­tice and to mentor Nepali staff to grow in this area. We are looking for someone with expe­ri­ence of fundrais­ing, PR or donor rela­tions to lead and work with Nepali col­leagues and develop their capac­ity to support pro­grams in liaison with local, national and inter­na­tional donors.

Can­di­dates must be pro­fi­cient in the English language.
Train­ing in the Nepali lan­guage is pro­vided for expa­tri­ate workers, dif­fer­ing in length depend­ing on the dura­tion of their assignments.

INF is unable to pay salaries to expa­tri­ate workers in Nepal. Expa­tri­ates in INF are sec­onded by agen­cies in home coun­tries who help them find their funding.
