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HAT - Humanitarian Aid Trust Nepal

INF’s 70 Years of Service in Nepal Celebrated

The 70th INF Day has been celebrated across INF Offices, and a special ceremony was organised to mark this milestone here in Green Pastures Hospital [GPH] on 17th November. The theme for the celebration was “Reflecting the past, celebrating the present and innovating the future.”

Inau­gu­rat­ing the special cer­e­mony held in GPH, the Guest of Honour, the Mayor of Pokhara Met­ro­pol­i­tan City, Dhanraj Acharya, praised by saying, “While reach­ing 70 years of estab­lish­ment in Nepal, INF has played a vital role in pro­vid­ing health care ser­vices, sup­port­ing the liveli­hood and pro­mot­ing social inclu­sion in many rural com­mu­ni­ties of Nepal.” He added that Pokhara Met­ro­pol­i­tan Office would coop­er­ate with INF in its future endeav­ours to make Pokhara city a healthy city.

The chair­per­son of INF Nepal, Ram­chan­dra Timothy, remem­bered the pio­neers of INF who envi­sioned the organ­i­sa­tion 70 years ago. He said that INF has 70 years of history and expe­ri­ence and is con­stantly working to keep its legacy and dignity high.

In the pro­gramme, the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of INF Nepal, Krishna Adhikari, intro­duced INF Nepal to the guests and pro­gramme par­tic­i­pants. “Through these events, we cel­e­brate how far INF has come since its humble begin­ning in 1952 and con­tem­plate the mile­stones achieved over the years”, said Krishna Adhikari, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of INF Nepal. Medical Ser­vices Direc­tor Dr Arun Kumar Budha pre­sented the future plans for Green Pas­tures Hospital.

This mile­stone was cel­e­brated through­out the year by holding 70 dif­fer­ent events, pro­grammes and major activ­i­ties. Some of the last few major cel­e­bra­tion pro­grammes were organ­ised on 21st October in GPH in the pres­ence of the Chief Min­is­ter of Gandaki Province, on 3rd Novem­ber in Surkhet, on 4th Novem­ber in Banke and on 15th Novem­ber in GPH.

These pro­grammes saw the felic­i­ta­tions and recog­ni­tion of various stake­hold­ers such as gov­ern­ment agen­cies, partner organ­i­sa­tions, like-minded organ­i­sa­tions, staff and expa­tri­ates from the past and current. These cel­e­bra­tion pro­grammes saw the pres­ence of former staff, INF’s national and inter­na­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tives, INF fam­i­lies from around the world, part­ners and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from like-minded organ­i­sa­tions. Indeed, it was a momen­tous cel­e­bra­tion that helped us to remem­ber our pio­neers, their sac­ri­fices and the vision with which INF started.

As a part of the 70 years cel­e­bra­tion, two-anniver­sary books in English and Nepali con­tain­ing the history, various mile­stones, and expe­ri­ences of various people have been published.

Since 1952, INF has been serving in com­mu­nity devel­op­ment and medical ser­vices in close col­lab­o­ra­tion with gov­ern­ment and partner organ­i­sa­tions. INF has over 450 staff and has offices in various dis­tricts, includ­ing Bajura, Mugu, Jumla, Kalikot, Surkhet, Banke, Dang, Rolpa, Kapil­vastu, Gorkha, Kaski and Kathmandu.