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Livelihood Advisor[s]

Do you enjoy the chal­lenge of new ini­tia­tives? Are you good at assess­ing market needs for new prod­ucts, devel­op­ing new prod­ucts and passing on skills?

Would you like to help people with dis­abil­i­ties and other mar­gin­alised groups develop new agri­cul­ture-based income?

Is God calling you to serve in Nepal using your skills to serve the disadvantaged?

INF Nepal needs an expa­tri­ate Chris­t­ian with Agri­cul­ture Devel­op­ments skills and also one with Mar­ket­ing Skills and one with product devel­op­ment skills.  All three would be involved to train staff in their ability

  • to capac­ity build the farming skills of clients
  • to assess markets and develop new prod­ucts (both agri­cul­tural and craft products)
  • mar­ket­ing farm produce and devel­op­ing new markets and skills for clients and their families

You need to have a heart for poor and mar­gin­alised people and be able to trans­fer ideas and skills to others, someone who can inspire others and start new projects as they see oppor­tu­ni­ties to use new skills and products.

Expe­ri­ence of working in another culture would be an advantage.

In order to get a good grasp of the local context the Adviser will need to commit to at least two years in the post after Nepali lan­guage learning.

Good Nepali lan­guage skills are needed, and an initial com­mit­ment of two years after Nepali lan­guage train­ing is required. The postholder would be advis­ing across INF Nepal’s programmes.

These posts are cur­rently vacant.

Can­di­dates must be pro­fi­cient in the English lan­guage. Train­ing in the Nepali lan­guage is pro­vided for expa­tri­ate workers, dif­fer­ing in length depend­ing on the dura­tion of their assignments.

INF is unable to pay salaries to expa­tri­ate workers in Nepal. Expa­tri­ates in INF are sec­onded by agen­cies in home coun­tries who help them find their funding.
